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The Gisaku Petty and Paring Knife

These 8 layered kitchen knives use techniques that originally made Japanese Swords that are different from modern-day damascus. As the eight pieces of steel are layered, no one blade is the same and each has a unique hamon or wave-like pattern on the blade. The core of a kitchen knife is dependent on the quality of the steel and the forging process. We want you to take into your hands a blade that is one of a kind, with the ultimate sharpness! 

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The handle has been designed taking into consideration the angle of your arm when cutting, the balance of the blade, as well as make sure that it feels comfortable when you hold it, meaning that you can use the knife for a long time without feeling tired.

A unique grip that places importance of the feel of the grip

A long-lasting super sharp core made from VG10

The core of the knife is a VG10 that is placed in between the eight-layered Damascus Steel. This metal is often used in high quality knives, and it is resistant to rusting, has a long lasting sharpness, and doesn't bend or break! 

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